Friday, March 5, 2010

The Hurt Locker and Oscar

I've been hearing all week that The Hurt Locker is going to win best picture and at the very least Katherine Bigelow will win for best director. Why?

I admitted in my last post that I fell asleep during this movie. Not because it was boring, I was just really tired. I like Jeremy Renner, he's a good actor and very sexy. Kind of like a really good looking Daniel Craig. The story was OK. However, we've seen it before and told much better. Maybe, the reason this movie is so popular is because it's about this generation's war and seeing it through their eyes. I feel kind of sorry for Hollywood, in that they have to take into account we have an all volunteer military, so there is no MASH or Apocalypse Now on the horizon of this war. These men and women want to be doing what they are doing, with nary an anti-hero in sight.

Katherine Bigelow is decent director. However, I think the other directors nominated made either a better movie or pulled a fantastic performance out of their actors. This movie has most likely made the most money of any of her films so far. I think her biggest movie before that was Point Break, and that movie is nearly 20 years old.

I think the real reason for all this hoopla over The Hurt Locker is guilt. Hollywood and the media in general have been extremely critical of our military endeavors since we invaded Iraq. The attitude of we hate the war but support our troops, is a little confusing, and I think that most soldiers think it's a load of b.s. How would you like it if someone told you: I hate everything you do and stand for; however, I'm behind you 100 percent? Talk about passive/aggressive. Yeah, they are supported so much most soldiers feel they need to take their lawyers into battle with them, so they don't infringe upon the enemy's rights.

Will The Hurt Locker win it all? Maybe. I don't know. So, I'm revising my list and doing what People Magazine did.

Who I think will win and who I think should win.

Best Picture
Think: The Hurt Locker. Should: Avatar, ground breaking, people will be talking about the effect of this movie for a long time.

Best Actor
Think: Jeff Bridges Should: Jeff Bridges, everyone loves a boozy country singer, me included.

Best Actress
Think: Sandra Bullock Should: Meryl Streep, a perfect Julia Child.

Best Supporting Actor
Think: Christoph Waltz Should: Christoph Waltz, chilling performance, you hated him right off.

Best Supporting Actress
Think: Mo'Nique Should: Mo'Nique, chilling performance, you hated her right off.

That's what I think. I'll be watching, even though I'm not Hollywood's target audience, nor is it a special thing to see the "stars", when they are everywhere ad-nauseum. No, I'll watch for those unscripted moments, I still remember that streaker and David Niven, and also to see what get-up Mickey Rourke will wear and also to see who's going to win.

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